Henan Asia-Pacific Energy Technology Group is a professional and large-scale group company who is engaged in new energy, organic solid waste environmental equipment’s R&D, production and sales. Since the company was founded in 1996, the Asia-Pacific people with extraordinary wisdom and courage are always adhering to the development concept of scientific development, harmonious and high efficiency, profession, pursuiting excellence. We continue to learn experience , keep pace with the times. We are brave to explore and innovate. It has been 16 years since we started to focuse on environmental energy technology. Now we have formed our developing route of group brand including Asia-Pacific Energy, Asia-Pacific Petro,Thinkfor Bioenergy. We have established our quality policy of customer demand is our motivation, customer satisfaction is our unremitting pursuit’ for the purpose of market-oriented. To make a best comprehensive and integrated solution for customers, we always actively grasp market information and customer demand, timely adjust product structure.
责任重于泰山 诚信赢取天下 公司采用微负压热裂解技术,可以把人们在日常生活中产生的废橡胶、废塑料、废油品等有机废料进行无公害化、资源化循环再利用,让废弃物变成再生资源。公司拥有技术研发中心和废轮胎、废塑料热裂解示范基地,积极推广废轮胎、废塑料循环综合再利用。 公司独立研发设计的利用废弃油脂生产生物柴油设备工艺独特、节能环保、易于操作等特点,并获得国家相关专利十多项。其中紊流式管式反应器在国内外属独家首创和独家使用。独自开发的反应与分离一体化工艺可节能高达60%的能耗,并解决了工艺设备的腐蚀严重的难题。公司还承接各类化工设备的制造、安装等。 |